AI sales revolution starts here

ezbd is a lead research & social CRM tool ready to boost your outreach.
Hyperpersonalized results, no wasted time

Start your free trial
Research leads like pro Leverage actual data from socials to learn more about your prospects
1️⃣ You enter some links to your leads socials 2️⃣ ezbd collects public data on them and their companies 3️⃣ You get valuable results in seconds, not hours
Zen state of sales Achieve better results by targeting the most valuable leads
✅ Manage leads and companies across stages ✅ Create custom lists and launch separate campaigns ✅ Use AI scores to prioritize your efforts
Hello, future.
Happily yours, ezbd
Get top-level, relevant, personalized texts in seconds, save yourself hours
  • introductory cold email
  • follow-up email
  • linkedin invite
  • linkedin announcement
  • company news reaction
  • ...anything you can imagine, just ask AI
New way to engage & win hearts (and deals) Lost count of valuable people to answer to on socials? Worry no more, it's just minutes with ezbd
✅ Track all leads' social activities in one place ✅ Generate comments and replies in seconds ✅ Play with reply focus and tone-of-voice
ezbd © 2024 - Made with ❤️ by one human being